Our exclusive factory-to-front-door service. The factory is in China. The front door is wherever you are. The service was pioneered by us and is implemented just by Maersk, the world’s largest container shipping line, and their UK logistics partner, Pentalver.
This means unbeatably fast delivery of your order, unlimited stocks, assured quality and significant savings. Here’s how our exclusive service works. Our containers are built in China to the highest specifications expressly for Maersk, who import them to the UK filled with one-way cargo. Once this is discharged, Pentalver inspect the containers to ensure they are in ex-factory condition before distribution.
They are classed as “newbuild” and conform to international standards such as ISO, UIC, TIR and CSC.
All Pentalver containers are domesticated and classified for home use with HMRC.
Significant savings
The containers have worked their passage by carrying cargo for Maersk and been handled by Pentalver – just one organisation throughout. So the supply chain couldn’t be simpler. This results in significant savings which we pass on to our customers.
Maersk build these containers in batches of 3,000. That means we always have stocks available for immediate delivery – a factory to front door service unique to Container Sales (UK) Ltd.